Album View / Sorted by Artist: Results based on Artists (may need discussion)

Roon’s able to actually treat multiple album artists as separate entities which is a good thing and better than what most other “players” do. I was wondering if - when sorted by Artists - the Album View would be better based on results from artist entries instead of singular albums. I’ve pointed the potential issue out in another thread but it may get/got lost there:

One impact of changing this: the number of albums displayed when sorted by artists would most likely be different from the actual number of albums present in the library. But jumping to a letter would give a complete primary artists result. Technically it would probably mean the same matching of Primary Artists to Album Artists as done in in the Album Details View is needed. If this conflicts with what’s done for integrating stuff from streaming services and how much computing it would require I’ve no idea.

It’s probably only a fraction of users who use the album view sorted that way to discover content; that should be known to the Roon team though.