All ARC downloads are gone for the second time

What in the hell is going on? I thought dowloaded music would be there and great for when no connection or ARC not working. Apparently not the case. This is the second time this has happened. I guess I should just give up on ARC? it takes an eternity to download a file into ARC. Where are they going how can it just take it off my storage on my phone? Maybe time to give up on ARC.

It’s true, lots of things need improvement. There is now a new test version in Early Access that greatly improves download speed and brings some nice features for downloads along with various fixes. Hopefully it will also fix disappearing downloads

I’m glad ARC actually plays stuff now and doesn’t crash or need reinstalling every few days, I’ve not needed to use Plexamp for a couple of weeks now.

Never tried downloading anything, I just stream.

Hopefully we’ll have a fully dependable player soon.

Im still on PlexAmp and will remain so. ARC is not worth the hassle and is just too far behind in stability and usability. Maybe one day!!


Yes, it is way behind Plexamp in pretty much every way except crossfeed, it massively improves my enjoyment when using IEMs especially. I still have Plexamp installed & will likely use it in the car as it caches ahead nicely, I haven’t used the car for maybe 3 weeks though.

The latest test version of ARC is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was. It used to regularly crap out on me and need a reinstall every few weeks.
The latest has some great features and handles going on and offline well.

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Arcs one thing that surpases PlexAmp is it does to me sound far better on iOS at least when using DSP and via Bluetooth. Both use same peq settings for my headphones but ARC is just much cleaner and defined.

You can blame Smart downloads on me, it was one of my suggestions when I was asked to have a one to one meet with Roon about arc and downloads. Probably others brought it up to but it was one they seem to like what I said.

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