All remotes display "Waiting for remote Core" error with existing setup (ref#KW3VWS)

Is Roon Server running?

· Yes, Roon Server is turned on and running.

What do you see on your screen?

· "Waiting for your Roon Server"

What happens if you press the "Select a different Roon Server" button?

· I don't see Roon Server.

Please try to restart your Roon Server by closing the Roon app in the taskbar or rebooting your Roon Server machine.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please try to restart your network setup by unplugging, waiting 30 seconds and then replugging in your networking gear.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please select how you've connected your Roon Server to the internet

· Roon Server is connected by *Ethernet*

Have you checked your firewall settings to ensure that Roon is allowed through?

· Roon still won't connect even after checking this aspect

Have you verified that Roon Server is on the same subnet as your Remotes?

· My Remotes and Server are on the same subnet and I still can't connect

Sometimes the issues can be resolved with a reinstall of your Roon Remote app. Let's try to perform a reinstall and see if it helps.

· I've reinstalled the Roon Remote but it did not help

What is the operating system of your Roon Server host machine?

· Roon on a *NAS* (Synology, QNAP, ASUSTOR)

Select any of the following components that are present in your local network setup

· None of the above

Describe the issue

Roon has been working with minor hiccups since 2017. RoonServer and Media files are on a Synology DS1515+. RoonServer is on a Samsung SSD 850 Pro. Media files on WD 3TB drives in the 1515+. Remotes that worked fine previously were: Lenovo laptop, iPad, and iPhone. All remotes have the same error message "Waiting for remote Core". Startup exe on the laptop is "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\Roon.exe".

Several players: 2 x Bryston and one Raspberry Pi that have worked fine in the past.

On 1515+: RoonServerInstall / V2017-02-02 / RoonServer_Synology_x86_64_2017-02-02.spk

Followed all steps in the Q&A process including turning off the firewall to no avail. I really do not want to lose all the Tidal music I have added to Roon.

Describe your network setup

Synology DS1515+, Switch: Netgear JGS516, xFinity Arris TG1682G modem, Wired and wireless access

Original Submitter Corrections:
xFinity cable feeds to: Netgear Voice/Cable Modem Model CM115V
That feeds to: Netgear Nighthawk Model AX8

All the current installers/packages are from 2022 (not 2017). So I would suggest you delete the outdated package, grab a new one from and install that instead, Maybe this fixes your issue.

Note: Install instructions are provided on the website with the installer/package downloads and displayed during installation in the installation wizard. More information about NAS installations can be found here on the forum in QNAP/Synology NAS and the article below is an excellent source of information too:

A Roon on (Synology) NAS Primer

The reason I purchased a perpetual license to ROON six years ago is because it was a game changer. Brilliant. I now have years of self-created tags, playlists, history, and as I mentioned hundreds if not thousands of links to Tidal favorites. Any solution that does not preserve this data is sub-optimal.

I have regularly installed updates to the Core and Players. The current roon.exe file on my laptop is dated 1/13/25 and the …\registry\core\bts file is dated 12/25/24. Most of the files in RoonServer are dated in 2025.

Why is my package outdated if I have done this. If I reinstall as recommended will I lose all of what makes ROON brilliant?

IDK out of the blue what exactly has changed and if the new package can still work with the old database location/rights – it will certainly try though if you point the installation wizard at the same directories you used before. Which is the next point, deleting the outdated package will not delete your music library or the Roon database directory you initially created – but in any case it is advised to create a backup before making any changes:

Because the Roon Server package for NAS is not Roon itself (or distributed by Roon Labs) and you obviously did not update it (manually as I suspect that the Synology app store is no longer providing a current version of the package). Details can likely be found in related threads in QNAP/Synology NAS.

Disclaimer: I’m just another Roon user like you running Roon Server on a (QNAP) NAS.

Hi @S_Murphy,
As long as you have a backup you don’t have to worry about losing any data. So you can reinstall with no worries. @BlackJack is correct that this is not an official Roon product so it is difficult for us to provide any guidance on where an updated package may be found.

First I backed up all my roon folders to a different drive.
Then, in Synology package center I installed:
from site: RoonOnNAS – Verwende dein NAS als Roon Core

It works and retained my library, tags, playlists, etc.
I think the new install went to a newly created folder/share.

So, which of the following folders can I now delete?

If the png file is not viewable I will retype the folders as text.


I don’t know what the content of your “V:” drive should be, so you may have to figure it out yourself (or hope another user can make sense of it – probably only after you provide more information).
On the “W.” drive you can get rid of the DSM6 backup (if all works well as you write).

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