All the stuff from the Nucleus Titan thread that has nothing to do with Nucleus Titan

But is this Titan thingy really high-end? I mean, it’s only 4x or maybe 5x the price it should be for the functionality it provides. High-end is typically identifiable because the gear costs 10x or even 20x what it should for its functionality. That Silent Angel Ethernet switch is maybe 100x what its mass-market equivalents would cost! So, really, to get into the “high-end”, Roon needs to raise the price. I don’t want to bring up the premium metal issue again, but vibranium apparently would provide excellent vibration isolation. Something which high end manufacturers often tout.

If someone, maybe one of these “high end” manufacturers, would simply record both a “computer” and one of their “high end servers” (to be clear, a server is also just a computer) with a calibrated microphone playing the same content, everyone would be convinced by the identifiable difference, I’m sure. Funny that no one has done that. The difference being so obvious and all.