Allo Sparky - How to run Roon

Thanks for the reply, Andy -

Yes, I more or less understood this. It is good to know Roon Bridge runs on Sparky. At the moment, my sparky is headless, and for reasons I don’t understand it does not allow SSH connections through PUTTY, so configuring anything which cannot happen through a web browser, as I have been doing so far, will be tricky. None of my monitors accept the Sparky’s HDMI out.

I also need to install the Roon Server on my QNAP NAS. It does not appear as one of the choices under the “entertainment” apps list.

Is there a link for this somewhere?

I guess I have to download it somehow and install it manually. I should add an SSD for this and up the internal RAM.

So if I have Roon Server as my Core running on the NAS, and Roon Bridge running on the Sparky, I assume the Control is an Iphone / Ipad / Android app. Correct? Any more info on this?


Yes, that’s right. The KB Architecture page describes it in more detail.

The QNAP/Synology section of the Forum should help you with installation. I haven’t had any experience with running Roon on a NAS so can’t steer you to a particular thread.

DietPi can be completely installed through SSH, but it can take a little while to finish setting itself up. I’ve never tried to install it on a Sparky, but I can’t see why the hardware would affect SSH. Is it something to do with your PUTTY setup perhaps ?

Also, Volumio has SSH disabled by default so that might be why if you’re not loading DietPi yet.

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you can download Allo web GUI version of Dietpi image from below link , dietpi version v159
(putty)ssh login : root password : dietpi
Allo web GUI login : password: allo

The point I was trying to make about headless operation and SSH via PUTTY is that I don’t have a monitor which displays the signal from the HDMI port, nor can I get an SSH connection via PUTTY. The Sparky rejects this so far. Maybe it will when I try a fresh DietPi OS, but until then I am limited to configuring it only through web browsers on other PCs.

Any tips?

Take the sd card out and connect it to a pc. USB sd writers are peanuts if you need to buy one. On your pc add an empty file called ssh to the boot directory on the sd card. Put the card back into the RPi and reboot. Then see if ssh via putty works.

I will try this. Thanks