Since I have Roon with a Nuc server running Rock. My Hegel 190 suddenly shut down. After a few minutes or hours, he goes down. Does anybody have the same problem?
What is your sleep time setting set up to? It’s either 15 min of no activity, or 1 hour or never to shut down (off).
My setting is 15 min of no activity. But now I discover it also happens when I play CDs.
So the problem is in the Hegel 190 itself. So it’s not a Roon problem.
Email Hegel directly at IME, Christian is very responsive, even on weekends. They should be able to troubleshoot it with you.
Is the amp warmer than usual when it shuts down?
Hi, have you found some solution? I am exploring similar situation on H390.
I think I found it, but I’m not sure. I had a sleep timer on my roon and on my Hegel activated. I think that creates a conflict. So from now on, my Hegel sleep timer is activated and from my roon is off.