I have been using ARC and its Android Auto implementation since it arrived. It works great. However, why is there no search function and/or voice control? Is this on the road map?
I have been using ARC and its Android Auto implementation since it arrived. It works great. However, why is there no search function and/or voice control? Is this on the road map?
I could be wrong, but I suspect lack of search functionality is a safety feature…
My head unit disables quite a lot of functionality unless the handbrake is on.
I’ll try and get time tomorrow to test, but I feel “Hey Google, play ??? on Roon Arc” may work.
As @Graeme_Finlayson quite rightly says, I feel and hope the lack of manual search is for safety reasons. There’s too many distraction on the roads and changing music is a bigger distraction for your eyes.
But, Google Voice control is hit and miss via Android Auto. I asked Google to find out a piece of information. Google was unable to help. Ask Google to sing you a song and it does. Go figure
Tested this morning with Google Voice via Android Auto. No go.
As it happens, Google wanted me to use Apple Music after I said the command “Hey Google, play some music on Arc”
“Hey Google, Play some music on Roon Arc” returned a “I don’t know what you mean” response.
So, set up a long playlist/queue, press play and drive.
Yes, that is what happens when I try to use Google to play via ARC. In my case it jumps to Spotify. The assistant does not even recognise the word ARC. Commands in Swedish gives no respons at all when asking for ARC.
It would be great to have Google Assistant integration. When having 3 kids in the car and all of them wants to choose tracks the only good solution right now is Spotify.
I know your pain. I have three girls, 10 and twin 6 year olds.
iPads and headphones was my answer. That way I get to play what I want with no complaints. Wife, well she has to put up with it.