Another disturbance in the field to worry about

I’m not a bird lover, and in fact, my preferred critters are their natural predators. But I’ve always fantasized teaching a talking bird the falcon’s song from Strauss’ "Die Frau ohne Schatten:

Wie soll ich den nich weinen?
Wie soll ich den nich weinin?
Die Frau wirft keinen Schatten
Der Kaiser muss versteinen

(How should I not weep? The woman casts no shadow, the emperor must turn to stone)

a beautiful opera I was once lucky enough to see Birget Nilsson in as the Dyer’s Wife at the Met…

Musically, the song is quite uncomplicated:

Speaking of preferred critters, on a sad note, my beloved Sybil, depicted some years ago on the living acoustic treatments thread, passed away last week. Survived by Sheila.

I think that the most important thing here is to compensate for the earth’s rotation. The Coriolis effect can cause significant delays between left and right channels both in digital signals and in the actual audio coming out of your speakers. :wink:


Just like ones room, ones ears are likely to differ in shape too, so we are all screwed for being able to hear how it was recorded anyway. Me I’m just happy I can get music out of my speakers and make some sense of it at all.


The end is nigh


“The Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities” sounds like something an astrophysicist sarcastically calls her kids.


Clip-on ear covers molded from the ears of the original musicians. We are going to get so rich!

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Sorry to hear.

And now this! When will these unasked-for discoveries stop?!

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