Another disturbance in the field to worry about

Well, heck. Now I have to worry about the effect of Kelvin-Helmholz instabilities as well!

they occur when plasma from the solar wind interacts with the magnetopause of a planet, the outer level of its magnetic field. The difference in velocity between the magnetopause and solar wind creates a furiously swirling wave—a vortex.

Plasma waves that result from Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities can also be found in Earth’s atmosphere


Again: Audioquest will fix this with stabilizing cables and/or connectors… :rofl:


To be honest I’m gobsmacked that this exists but here you go :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::thinking::rofl::rofl::rofl::thinking:


If you are working on communications equipment a faraday cage is a absolute necessity.

If you are “working” with your router in the bed, it’s a different kind of interference :rofl:


Don’t do it without “The Fez On”

For amateur work a tin foil hat may suffice.


From the same source, unbelievably


Somebody doesn’t understand how microwave energy / radio frequency propagation works.

Heck VHF and UHF would easily go thru the eye opening , much less “Micro”

It seems like Donald likes his headgear. :grinning: That’s Fagen, not Trump.


That matches my tin foil hat PERFECTLY. Maybe too perfectly if you take my meaning.

The big question is now: Do you put yourself into the cage or your hifi system?

Both and listen nearfield :thinking:


Those ninja :ninja:t2: were so far ahead of the rest. They even predicted this stuff back in feudal Japan :jp:.

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Looks like a typical audiophool, misdiagnosing the problem as usual. Those voices he hears come from the inside not the outside… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have often commented that the parrot cage interferes with WiFi :smiling_imp:

perhaps we can get an Audiophile Parrot Cage design ,if she can squawk at the right frequencies …


Unless you’re keeping the parrot in a cage with a screen that is as small as the one in your microwave oven’s door glass (2.4 ghz) your 2.5 ghz Wi-Fi is quite happy to see right through it. Reflection and refraction is a possibility.

Actually keeping an African Grey inside of a microwave oven (unplugged) is possibly a good idea, damn they are loud :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is my favorite African Grey.


Mate of mine has one, very intelligent great vocabulary. Flipping loud :hushed:
Definitely closed back headphones required.

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Mine manages one bar each of Beethoven’s 5th and Bach Italian Concerto quite impressive

PLUS an amazing vocabulary , she’s definitely my wife’s bird she hates me and is forever trying to get rid of me …The Guinea Fowl used to dive bomb my head in the mating season, sadly he is no more

Audioquest doesn’t deal with actual peer reviewed science.