I know I am doing something wrong, I just don’t know what.
I downloaded the app onto my Apple TV4. Opened the app. Opened the “Exensions” in Roon App. Core discovered and authorized. Onscreen I see my Roon zones. I click on a zone from my server. I get video from the Apple TV to my Sony. Now playing shows the track, but there is no audio.
Thanks, I will try that later today when I am home. Does the TV:Remote require any specai zone of its own, or does it play from my server directly to my Apple TV much like airplay?
So, the TV:Remote app allows you to control playback on your zones you have enabled via Roon’s settings.
With regards to your TV setup. When you watch films etc on the Apple TV, where does the sound come from?
TV speakers
Soundbar via optical or HDMI arc
AV amp via optical or HDMI arc
If you want music to play out from your Apple TV you’d need to enable this in Roon as an AirPlay device.
What I cannot remember is if the Apple TV itself shows up in the TV:Remote app.
I use a Sonos Arc thru eARC. If I understand correctly, this app offers a video representation of what’s happening in my Roon core, and while it can show that, it offers no audio at all unless thru Airplay. If that is correct, this app is useless compared to my iPad remote. Is my understanding correct?
The TV:Remote is only a remote. You can use it to control your zones, but it is not a zone. In other words, it does not have audio on its own. You can however setup your AppleTV as an audio device.