Antipodes Audio DS Music Servers

Yes, our plan is to have separate listings for Roon Ready and Roon Core partners.

As a user, you can probably see how the architecture of Roon is starting to fully flesh out in both hardware and software. As this happens, the website will grow as well to reflect it and you will find all the partners there.

As for performance ratings and benchmarks… this is something we have struggled with.

We don’t have a “minimum” spec because a single given point- processor, ram, etc- won’t necessarily give the whole picture… you can have a great processor but run the OS on a slow spinning laptop drive and have bad performance. If you are using a remote, the network interface comes into play.

That said, we are working on something like a “roon score” that would give a ballpark of what the performance of a given device will be. Generating that score is still something we are working on and it probably won’t be ready for launch, but we will keep everyone posted as it becomes a reality.