Right now, the now_playing object provided by the Zone class of the Roon API Transport Service provides album/artist/title fields only in three preconfigured formats – one, two, and three lines:
"one_line":{"line1":"Museum of Light - Towner-Muthspiel-Grigoryan / Ralph Towner / Slava Grigoryan / Wolfgang Muthspiel"},
"two_line":{"line1":"Museum of Light","line2":"Towner-Muthspiel-Grigoryan / Ralph Towner / Slava Grigoryan / Wolfgang Muthspiel"},
"three_line":{"line1":"Museum of Light","line2":"Towner-Muthspiel-Grigoryan / Ralph Towner / Slava Grigoryan / Wolfgang Muthspiel","line3":"Travel Guide"}
These lines mix different kinds of metadata – for example, line2 includes both performers and composers, without any way of differentiating between the two. It would be great if we could get, separately, a list of primary artists, a list of performers, and a list of composers.
The use case for this is that I listen to a lot of jazz, where the fact that Karl Suessdorf wrote “Moonlight in Vermont” is a lot less important than the fact that Billie Holiday is the Primary Artist, and is also less important than the fact that Barney Kessel is playing guitar. (Sorry, Karl.)