Apple Music High Res

On every Android based streamer like Eversolo and Hifi Rose you can install Apple Music and play it.

But integrating Apple Music into Roon like Qobuz or Tidal is a different game. And here Apple said clearly no. In the near future it will not happen.

Not on HiFi Rose though. Eversolo accepts apps from the store as is, so you can load it, HiFi Rose doesn’t, they have their own version that works with the screen layout and UI system.

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So can HiFi Rose play Apple Music in high resolution? I thought they said it does not because of Apple limitations.


No it cannot. They made their own app using the web kit API. It’s limited to aac and buggy as hell as they are jumping through hoops to make it work. Other players like Eversolo and FiiO just use Apples own apps like they do for all streaming, they are essentially like a phone and Android DAP in a big box there is no integration. What sets Eversolo apart is their screen care option so it casts its screen to your phone for easier operation, however Apple Musc doesn’t translate well to landscape format.

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Yes the Eversolo plays Apple Music (and Classical) lossless and they sound great.

However…they work as apps on the Eversolo and cant be controlled by the app or eversolo app so its a bit fiddly using it on the Eversolos touchscreen- it feels like when you use a webpage designed for PC on a phone- same for BBC music and presumably the other apps on it. You can cast to it but its not perfect either.
Its a relatively minor complaint though for the benefit it brings.

I use the Eversolo app to change up Apple music songs through the cast feature all the time.

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Thanks all for your responses.

I use a Mac mini runnin Roon and use the native Apple Music app on it to play Apple Music content via airplay to a raspberry pi streamer. I can control the Mac mini with the Remote app in iPhone. It’s not perfect but works.

I guess I will keep waiting and hope Apple allows better integration of AM.



Verizon said they were going to increase my price another $5 if I didn’t move to one of their new plans. They already increased it $6 when the new plans came out a few months ago.

So, I upgraded my Verizon cellular plan to the new Unlimited Ultimate that does not include free Apple Music or Disney+ (with ESPN). So, I deleted Apple Music and Disney+. I also added the 100GB hotspot “perk” for $10. I ended up with 105GB additional hotspot data and $6 increased price. I don’t need Apple Music now that it is not free and Roon ARC is working well. I might miss ESPN, we’ll see. So, I’m paying $1 more than I would have had I not switched.

I now have 220GB hotspot data not counting my wife’s 30GB. I’ll use 210GB on our next trip to NC to visit the 101 year old MIL for 3 weeks. When we’re no longer spending time in NC, I’ll reduce my plan by 190GB hotspot data and $50.


I have dropped Apple One and only retain the 50 gb iCloud storage for 1 Euro per month. I don’t miss Apple Music at all.

Roon ARC has been running perfectly fine here for well over a year now. Together with Tidal and especially Qobuz.

Next to the Roon/Qobuz/Tidal trio the only other music service that I retain is YouTube Music. I am barely using it but it is part of YouTube Premium and YouTube gets a lot of playtime here.

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I have the same as you and also pretty much never listen to YouTube Music but I would really struggle to drop my YouTube subscription as I use it so much. When I visit friends who don’t have YouTube Premium I can barely watch what they are watching as it is so broken by advertising


Same. My parents like to watch YouTube on their nice big TV in their cabin. But getting advertisements every few minutes, which can’t be skipped, is ridiculous.

To me the YouTube subscription is a necessary evil.

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I fixed that by getting a family plan and inviting my Dad and Sister, t was a disaster otherwise.
I was originally a little shocked at how much YouTube my then 77 year old dad watched, and now he is 82 he watches even more :grin:

You should at least look at the option as it works out great value (if you are not already doing that of course with others)

Same here, I use YouTube a fair bit, in fact it is literally all I watch on TV, when I watch TV.
I’ve no other TV subscriptions.

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Sometimes it pays to take the time and be shrewed like this and get more for less.

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Pretty impressive!!
I fail at that :grinning:

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