Apple Music integration (with new Apple Music Web-API?)

Some people here simply don’t seem to compute that the content is the complement.

Please allow me to put this into perspective.

If the graph @danny posted is correct, and here it is to save everyone a click:

Then Apple’s AirPod revenue is comparable to that of the entire music industry.

Let that sink in, then slowly retreat from your keyboards to meditate on what would make that company want to bend over backwards to accomodate RoonLabs’ needs, or your desiderata. Really. Ponder it. Then send Apple an email.

You guys are all probably smarter than I am, but I’ve got a hunch that “I use this fantastic software and it’s called Roon and you need to let me use it with your streaming service you possibly loose money on because what you really sell is headphones, but I’m not interested in your headphones because I own better ones” isn’t going to get you past the thrashcan. Or bin, depending on the intern’s localization preferences.