Apple Music suddenly dominating ARC

Hi, folks. Just wondering if anyone knows how to get around an issue that just cropped up for me with the latest iOS update (18.0.1). I generally listen to ARC via bluetooth on my car stereo. Usually, it will just connect and resume playing when I start the car. If I haven’t been in the car for a while it might not start playing automatically, and I have to open ARC and hit play. That’s how it’s always been, and that’s fine.

Now the new issue: Since the latest iOS update what happens is 1) I’m listening to ARC in the car, 2) I leave the car, 3) I return to the car, 4) Apple Music (not ARC) automatically starts playing. I never purposefully use Apple Music. The only thing in it is a single album that I purchased through iTunes years ago. I like the album, but I don’t want to listen to it and nothing else when I’m in the car. :wink:

There doesn’t seem to be an actual Apple Music app that I can force quit. I can’t find anything in the Apple Music settings related to automatic play. Anyone have any idea how I can stop Apple Music from pushing ARC aside? Thanks much!

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Now that I read this, I realise I am having the same problem. I noticed it the last few times I drove. However, unlike OP, I do use Apple Music on occasion so I did not give it too much thought. This is post the update to ios 18.01. I use and iPhone 14.

Been doing this on ios17 for me and continues on 18. Apple Music will start playing on connection if no other app is active or in foreground.


I have had a similar experience for the last two (maybe more) iOS versions, but it’s a different music player that starts playing—as if iOS was saying “Heyo, now I’m hooked to Bluetooth, I should go back to playing whatever was going last.”, but then cannot remember what that was, or can’t find it within xxx milliseconds, so it grabs the -{easiest/most recent/other arbitrary choice} media player and starts playing. There must be some logic to it, but it eludes me.

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Yep it’s an odd one. More often it picks up Arc or PlexAmp if I have been using those but then every now and then it plays AM randomly.

fwiw, while you can’t remove Apple Music from CarPlay, you can delete the app from your phone altogether, just like any other app.

and if you don’t want to do that, just delete that one album.


Thanks! Since I didn’t see it on the desktop, I thought it was built into the OS. It hadn’t even occurred to me to try to delete Apple Music directly from the dock. After reading your post, I did so, and my problem is solved. Now ARC resumes play for me every time I start the car. (Alas, this is no help to those who do use Apple Music.)


glad it worked.

for clarity, I meant to delete it from the iPhone, by holding down the app icon, then clicking the “minus” sign.

Yes, that’s what I did, but I’ve only ever done that before with apps that were on the desktop (or home screen, or whatever you call it on the phone), never with an app that only appeared in the dock.

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FYI, you can drag any icon on your home screens into the dock. You may have to move one out to make space. Handy for oft-used apps.

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I have a folder in my dock with all my music apps there so I haven’t had the Apple Music issue. I have never had consistency with Arc automatically picking up where it left off after leaving the car and coming back. Most of the time it loses the ‘now playing’ and I have to open the album and find the track I left off on.