ARC 324 - duplicated albums in album view


this started one or two days ago but many albums in my album view come up twice. In the case of the two album of the screenshot even the smart download icon is shown for both. The album file exists only once in my library and also in Roon the albums are not coming up twice in album view.

Is this a problem for anybody else?

Thanks for reporting this. Is this only happening for downloaded albums, or other non-downloaded albums as well?

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This behavior also happened to me with my favorite albums in early access. I restarted the server and that cleared the issue.

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Hi @michael,

Thanks for the reply.

It does not only happen to downloaded album. It also happens to not downloaded albums as well as albums from Qobuz and on local storage.

Hi @Gocubs42,

Will try that later. But does this issue also affect your Roon application or only ARC? For me it only happens in ARC but a restart might still fix it.

@michael please note that after a ROCK restart the album view went back to normal as per @Gocubs42 suggestion. Maybe you can still investigate what might have been causing this behavior but this topic can be closed :slight_smile:

Reboot does clear it for the moment but this doesn’t mean that it is resolved for good. This issue has existed for quite a while (in production as well) and part of it always was that it would eventually come back after reboot, for other albums.

This is the known case, and to my knowledge this wasn’t officially declared fixed:

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Thanks. I was not aware that this issue has persisted for quite some time already.

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