ARC B260 not in UK play store

I know it’s a crap shoot as to when these things get through the different store approvals and distribution.
I see no sign of it in the UK Play store as yet. Just a FYI really.

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Should be out by now

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Not yet, and I think @ged_hickman1 has gone to bed :wink:

Still B257

Fixed: left beta, rejoined and now showing

Thanks @vova it’s up there now.

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We never sleep, well apparently I don’t sleep much :smiling_face_with_tear:


I love my sleep, but I can’t hear my music when I do :rofl:

4 to 6 hours is quite normal for me :tired_face:

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That’s not a lot🙁
Allows you to listen or do that four letter word W O R K .
I find it so disgusting I gave up on it :grinning:


One behaviour of ARC that I do think is odd is that it will increase the storage for smart downloads but if you decrease the amount it should take it doesn’t reduce the storage. You have to clear the storage and start again.

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I guess @michael can comment on this. But from my perspective not deleting automatically makes sense, how can we know what media should stay and what should be deleted?

I’d think it can use the same metric as when it chooses what to download. Keep the items with the highest score that it would also choose when filling up the smaller storage


Agree with this:

In the sense that it is the central and relevant question and one that the software should be able to determine.

But don’t agree with:

at least from a user perspective, as it makes for a rather awkward experience when available storage space is scarce and/or reducing. It is the main reason why I haven’t activated and used smart downloads for a while. (Do accept that not deleting automatically is easier from a development perspective).

If applying the same or similar criteria used to rank candidates to add to the destination pool cannot be used ‘in reverse’ to rank removal candidates, than you could consider something much simpler / less smart? FIFO? After all, if I want to insist on keeping something, the functionality to flip it over from smart to ‘normal’ download status is there already.

Also, when allocated space is not reduced by the user, I was under the impression that Arc would potentially still refresh smart downloads - occasionally rotate some downloaded items out and bring fresh ones in?
If I am correct on this (and am really not sure), couldn’t the same mechanism be applied to identify, rank and select removal candidates in a scenario where allocated storage space reduces?


And it’s just a rubbish user experience which is to be avoided :smile:
Put some sort of reduction menu if you don’t want to take responsibility for choosing.
Or at a minimum multi-select on the downloads so you can do a group delete without having to individually remove album by album.