ARC is simply unusable for me

Good question. As I’ve actually had to disable UPnP to get ARC to function.

Simply because activating UPnP is the way for Roon to automatically set up ARC for the user. Roon ARC can also be set up manually by the user without using UPnP.


Agree about wanting it to work. One stop shop would be awesome, but I got tired if fiddling and went with Plex for the road. Playlists are the main issue, since Plex doesn’t allow imports of playlists like Roon does.
One benefit of Plex besides the stability is that I’m able to share my Plex server connection with my brother. He uses in the car as well as his home. Cool that I can add something new and he sees it instantly.
But I’m still monitoring you all pioneers, waiting for the white smoke of success and stability. :relieved:

Adding important advantage to Roon ARC. My favorite feature of Roon is Roon Radio. Plex DJ seems much less comprehensive and doesn’t dig into my library like Roon does.

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i have been unable to setup Roon Arc. My router does not allow me to configure uPnP

uPnP is a mechanism that allows automatic configuration for ARC, but it is not a requirement.
You also have the choice of manually configuring port forwarding rules on your router.

Yes and for me. I have a windows laptop running Roon in the house and hard wired to the router and before ARC I could easily access Roon in the garage via a wired extender but after ARC I cannot access Roon there. So ARC has been a backward step for me. I have tried using ARC but it never seems to work and is needlessly complex. Overall I will have to give up Roon in September as it is flexible in the extreme and very informative but just too much of a faff to be worthwhile. I will keep Tidal as it is bog basic and just just easy to operate.

I am using Roon since March 2022, started with ROCK, now on Synology.
Since the release of ARC it works flawlessly on my iPhone. Last April I upgraded the audio in my Volvo V70 with an aftermarket Apple CarPlay unit for ARC. I use it daily when I commute to work, as well abroad. I recently travelled from the Netherlands to Ceillac, French Alps all the way using ARC.

Just to share that I have no issues using ARC on my phone, in my car.


Sounds like you’ll need to add a manual forwarding rule in your router.

It should look similar to this.

The Local IP address is the address that Roon shows in its ARC setup screen. Same goes for the port numbers. Below is how my Core has set itself up.

I gave up trying to use ARC months ago. I’ve now resorted to only playing my ripped CDs when I’m out and about.

Although it should be possible to use ARC on your local WiFi network, there is no need to do so. If it worked before using Roon, why would you now switch to ARC? You should still be able to use Roon like before.

My experiment with ARC is over. I had to reinstall ARC which caused it to wipe out the 250GB of music I had downloaded. Not about to redownload it all. That’s why WE should be able to determine where the files are downloaded to.


December of last year I commented how dissatisfied I was with ARC. I couldn’t connect outside of the home on 5G or even on a fast stable wifi connection, plus ARC kept crashing when I tried to play tracks downloaded from my personal library.

Two weeks ago I decided to give it another try. So far I have to say it has been brilliant! I’ve just been away for a long weekend with a very average 4G connection and ARC had no problems accessing my core and streaming through my iPhone 8. Downloaded tracks play effortlessly and so far Muse has been solid on optimising playback to match the device.

Happy days :high_brightness:

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Do you know what has changed?

What is everyone’s internet connection out of interest?

Trying to use ARC on a 30meg/6meg connection has been a lot of my issues. I recently upgraded to 900/100 (fibre) and of course. A lot of my connection issues have been resolved. But; I still have app issues.

A 6/10meg upload simply isn’t sufficient in streaming. Joys of living in a small country village! But, we’ve finally been updated!

CD quality uncompressed is 1.4 Mbit/s. As FLAC it’s about 0.8. Even if we double that for error correction and resends, it’s still far below 6-10 Mbit/s.

Of course hi-res needs proportionally more

(And this only applies to local files on the Core. Tracks from streaming services don’t stream through the Core but direct from the service, the Core is only needed for metadata and identification)

@Barry_Scotton nothing has changed on my end so I can only surmise the change is ARC being updated.

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Yeah, I found I had to change it to balanced.