ARC port forwarding not working

Unable to use ARC from outside home network.
I followed direction in the Roon Windows client. Port is 55002. According to the information on the router this port is open.

My router is a Fritzbox 7590. Roon core is installed on a QNap TS-453A NAS.

The error in the Roon client is:
“ipv6_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“77.fff.ggg.hhh”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“fe80:aaa:aaa:aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd:eee”,“router_external_ip”:“77.fff.ggg.hhh”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true}

What is your ISP.

Hi @Willem_Flink,
In your diagnostic message I see as the found IP address, but in your router it says

I have the same router and disabled uPnP and made a port forwarding rule to my Roon core.


.100 is the NAS that is the permitted device, and .1 in the ARC message is the router itself. Seems OK to me

I have the Fritzbox 6690, presumably with the same up to date FritzOS, and the “independent port forwarding” (i.e. UPnP restricted to a specific permitted device) is 100% flawless for me.

However, I am on pure IPv4, no IPv6 involved like here

XS4all or KPN in the Netherlands. is my router .100 is my NAS.

I was also pure IPv4 but enabled IPv6 to see if it would make a difference, but it did not so I disabled it again.

OK, just saying that my positive result with the Fritzbox UPnP may not have been directly applicable to the screenshot situation. Anyway, I don’t think there’s anything wrong as such with UPnP on the Fritzbox as far as I can tell; in fact it’s one of the smartest implementations I have seen, by restricting UPnP to individual devices, and has worked flawlessly for me since ARC was released and getting an IPv4 address (before that I was on CG-NAT)

There is a thread (3 years old though) about port forwarding problems between XS4all and KPN, the rule was also OK and the problem was on the KPN side, see the last post:

Oke, Thats what I did (I think)…
This is what it looks like now but no difference.

This still looks like you set up automatic port sharing (i.e., UPnP) for the NAS by clicking the “Permit independent port sharing for this device” checkbox. I.e., like this:

Setting up a manual rule is described here, i.e., you don’t check the “Permit independent port sharing for this device” box but click the “New Sharing” button at the bottom:

When I set up a manual rule on by Fritzbox, this is what it looks like:

and after clicking that New Sharing Button, you have to enter the port numbers manually:

Then after clicking OK, click on Apply to save this sharing:

And then I have two rules. The “RoonRock” is my normal one and uses “Permit independent port sharing” (i.e. UPnP). The other is the new one for the QNAP NAS that I just set up. Note that “independent port sharing” is not checked here:

What is also weird in your first screenshot is that although “independent port sharing” is checked, it says “1 enabled” and the rule shows a port number for “port assigned externally IPv4” as well as a “green light”. From this UI it seems some kind of a weird hybrid of manual and automatic rule. I don’t know how you got it into this state and what it means.

I see on my Fritzbox as well that I can check “independent port sharing” AFTER setting up a manual rule, but as you can see below in my screenshot it then still says “0 enabled”, which makes sense to me because it is a manual rule and automatic port sharing is specifically not enabled:

I don’t know how you got yours into your state and what effect it has. Nor do I know why it is even possible to check it for a manual rule.

But what I can say is that in the past I created a manual rule just like I described it for my Roon ROCK and it worked, and now I am using an automatic “permit independent port sharing” rule and it works as well …

Thank you so much for your explanation. I have deleted everything en recreated the as per your instructions but alas again no difference. I guess I have to give XS4all or KPN a call. It driving me up the wall…

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It seems I found (part) of the problem. When I stop the QUFirewall on the Qnap, the Windows Roon ARC app says it is able to access the Roon Core.

However when I search for the core with my phone (WIFI disabled) using my outside IP address it keeps on searching but not connecting.

Anyone familiar with this problem?

I am confused, there is no Windows ARC app. Do you mean the regular Roon app on Windows in the Settings > Roon ARC saying this?

I had something similar with Vodafone: The Settings said “ready” as above, but it wouldn’t work from my phone using 5G with my phone provider. However, it did work with my phone logged into in a foreign wifi network (not 5G) and with a friend’s phone but in a different 5G network.

Both my home internet and phone provider are Vodafone. It turned out that they were blocking all ports on my external IP address when accessing it from their own 5G network, but not when accessing from a different phone network or a foreign LAN. They could not understand on lower support levels what I was talking about, and before the higher levels figured it out, I replaced the standard Vodafone router with a private Fritzbox. Then it magically worked

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Hi @Willem_Flink,

Do you have a KPN-issued modem in this setup? You may need to bind the IP address of your Core to the DHCP pool preset in your router in any case.

It’s also possible there are port reservations or traffic filtering setups in place with KPN that echo @Suedkiez’ experience with Vodafone. I recommend augmenting the port assignment in Roon → Settings → ARC from 55002 to something else (60000, for instance), and then making the respective change in the manual rule you’ve set for port forwarding as well. Does this change the diagnostic message?

YES! I finally got it resolved… I had to add a rule to the active profile in the QuFirewall to open the port of the Roon core.

Now there only one issue left, I had to downgrade the QNap to firmware QTS, anything higher and the config screen of the Roon Core will not open and gives a “not logged in” error.

Many thanks to everybody for your help it is really appreciated!

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