ARC won’t reinstall through TestFlight on iPhone

I was having issues with ARC as it was locking up on certain songs so I deleted the app and went to TestFlight to re-install and it gives me this error. I’ve tried rebooting my phone and everything. What a bummer. Is there a way I can get a new download of the latest EA version of ARC for ios?
I’m already having serious withdrawals.

Or if there’s an easy way to just go to production?


The nice thing about TestFlight (as opposed to the Google Play Store beta) is that you can install the Beta version in TestFlight and the production version from the regular App Store, and you can start either as needed.

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Thanks Suedkiez. I’m just going to production. It’s super easy and already done. This one is solved!

Seems the issue with the install is on Apple‘s side:

Well, that explains it! Thanks.

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