Are musicians going back to self-hosting their own music?

It seems that the music world (buying albums) is getting more and more fragmented:



An interesting idea, but I am not sure most bands are capable of handling this on their own, but it is sure to appeal to some.

As long as BandCamp keeps it prices low, then most bands will stay there, unless things turn bad. I would certainly be prepared to try it though, the majority of my digital music purchases come from BandCamp.

“With the recent sale of Bandcamp to predatory VC extractive vultures, and the main move to finalise that sale was to fire all the recently unionised staff, the writing is on the wall for the last least worst option…”

Did they fire only the unionised staff? I understand they let go 50% of their staff but did they fire just Union members and leave non union members behind?

I can’t say I have seen any change to BC since the sale from a user perspective.


I agree, and not hearing a lot of complaints from bands that I buy from.
It will be interesting to follow this, but we have to accept that there are companies running this site and it’s not a charity.
I hope for the best but I am prepared to move elsewhere if things don’t go and hoped for and like many here I spend a lot of money every year at BandCamp.

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I spent my weekend playing with faircamp. It’s not that easy, it requires some learning.
Additionally, I had to update my laptop to Linux.
For the moment, I have mainly worked on the presentation not on the download.
With a completely static site, I’m looking forward to seeing how faircamp handles download security.

As for bandcamp, from an artist point of view, I haven’t seen any change yet.


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Dirk that’s good to know about BC thanks :+1:

Interesting to know when you have something up and running on FaorCamp and able to be purchased.
Also good to know how your interaction with it goes as you make progress.

In the meantime, take a look at the Faircamp Webring:


Reference for my study:

Say the Magic Word

Today I implemented the example cited in reference. The latter is supposed to protect downloads with a code. This is the case, the download is well protected by a code entry. On the other hand, the download URL is fixed. Simply communicate it to a third party so that they can download the album.

Faicamp is a good system for relatively easily building a site to put free music online but not for a sales site.

I find that the sentence « Install some software on your server, point it at the folder of the music you want to sell, and your site’s pages will build themselves » from the article

is a bit misleading. The resulting site is certainly simple but not robust enough to sell music.


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