I have a small query concerning the Aries G2.1 which I acquired a few days ago to replace an Aries Mini and which I use as a Roon endpoint, connected to a Chord DAVE over USB.
I have named the audio device “Aries G2.1” in Roon, and in Lightning hardware the Room name is “Aries G2.1”, but in the signal path display in Roon it is shown as “Auralic Aries_G2” and “Auralic Aries G2”. Not a problem really, I just wondered why this is.
I see the Aries G2.1 listed above Source in the Signal path with 3 vertical dots. I think the 2 other references come from the Roon Ready (RAAT) interface which indicates to me that is how it is listed internally in the device. Possibly something overlooked in the new device preparation that could be changed in the future with a firmware update.
The Gen 2.1 from Auralic (Vega, Altair and Aries) seems not to be Roon Ready yet. But the devices are happily recognized as Gen 2 so it works on the whole. But there are still some minor quirks for full compatibility.
Thanks. I’ve just checked on the Roon website and it would seem that the G2.1 has not yet been certified either Roon Ready or Roon tested, whereas the Aries G2 is shown as Roon Ready. Odd, since ithe G2.1 has been available since last year, but of no great consequence since it works fine with Roon.
I believe AURALiC is unable to meet the demand for max delay for group synchronization required for Roon Certification. Basically all it’s G2 devices are non compliant but since Roon changed this demand after certification was given to some devices (and not the G2.1), the newer ones don’t get recognized as such. Although that’s somewhat of the extend Auralic’s CEO stated on the Auralic boards. I.e. my Altair G2.1 is listed as an Altair G1 in Roon.