Artist Duplication: Zhou Xuan (周璇) / Chow Hsuan / Hsuan Chow, and generally inconsistency with Chinese artists

Content you’re reporting an issue with

This is the “correct” entry with a bio. It is found by searching for Zhou Xuan, Hsuan Chow, and for 周璇:

The other one has an extensive discography but no bio:

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

At first when writing this I thought that no, but now I realize that long ago already merged several other duplicated ones into the main one because it is all a mess:

However, I cannot merge these two although albums by both are in the library, there is no merge button after selecting both artists.

Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Mostly Qobuz and Tidal, though I have a few local albums

Description of the issue

It seems to me that there are several issues. Foremost, the existence of two different artists with FirstName-LastName and LastName-FirstName.

Second, searching for 周璇 shows Zhou Xuan in the quick results,

but then Hsuan Chow in All Results.

Searching for Zhou Xuan brings up only one of them:

Searching for Hsuan Chow or Chow Hsuan brings up all versions

The correct Chinese name is Chow/Zhou first as this is the last name and Chinese uses LastName-FirstName. Note that the bio writes it like this but the Roon name doesn’t:

I don’t know if this has something to do with the Languages for Artist Name settings, but I have only Latin character languages selected there, no Chinese.

Plus, it would probably good to have consistent romanization (Pinyin, Traditional) across Roon names and bios, and ideally a choice because people form Taiwan and Mainland don’t agree.u

Side note after a bit more checking: This seems to be a wide-spread problem with Chinese artists as far a my limited knowledge tells me and I have a similar mess with Bai Guang. There are several of this as well that I had to merge in the past

Here, though, the name is consistently written LastName-FirstName although Roon and TiVo also don’t agree on romanization

Interesting, it sounds like (as you mention) firstname/lastname issue. Is there a fieldname metadata issue tidal vs qobuz i.e. each using the opposite formats which is confusing roon?

It’s a complicated thing generally with Last/First vs First/Last and within each having several ways to romanize, so seems certainly possible/likely that Tidal/Qobuz/TiVo/MusicBrainz don’t agree and editors make up new spellings of the artists if they don’t search existing ones exhaustively

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Hi @Suedkiez,

Thank you for your diligent pursuit and reporting of these issues. The senior developer responsible for metadata management (Joel) has reviewed this and passed along his conclusions to tech support. Unfortunately, the metadata you’re seeing are ingested from our external sources. This is the dataset available to Roon for this particular artist. There’s neither a simple nor quick fix to this particular issue, but it’s something we’re aware of and looking for pathways to improve. The me

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