@joel It seems that this one fell through the cracks? It’s a rather simple case as the NYC slowcore Codeine that is described in the bio has just a few well-defined releases that should be easy to separate out by the metadata provider. Thank you!
I find artist equivalence issues all the time, I blame clueless metadata editors who think there’s only one person or band in the world with any one name and associate it without doing any research
Still unresolved and MusicBrainz and Allmusic don’t have all this wrong Codeine stuff mixed into the slowcore band, so where the heck is this happening?
Seems similar to here where artists get mixed up but it’s apparently not MusicBrainz or Allmusic doing it:
LOL. Incidentally, even if allmusic looks okay, there can be bad credits at album, release, and track level; and allmusic only takes TiVo’s “US” data package. There are more releases in the UK and EU packages that we also take which can have errors.
Hurrah, it is nearly fine now, thanks so much. One remaining wrong album named RAGE by 226Ghostboy / Codeine (best link I found for these Codeine is Codeine | Spotify)
The Qobuz version has the correct one in the track credits as primary artist (note, the picture here is my local one, not the Valence), while the album artist is an incorrect one: