Artist Name: Šaban Šaulić vs Saban Saulic (Qobuz)

Content you’re reporting an issue with

I am writing about an artist - Šaban Šaulić. Roon recognizes this artist correctly as Šaban Šaulić, however in Qobuz the artist is listed as Saban Saulic.
If I search for Šaban Šaulić, I get both Šaban Šaulić and Saban Saulic - and when I click on the later, I can see a whole bunch of dicography from Qobuz. But if I click on Šaban Šaulić, there is no discography other than the two local albums in my library.

I have not found a way how to link Šaban Šaulić an Saban Saulic.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?

No, impossible to identfy.
The albums are:

Šaban Šaulić - The Best of (2008)
Šaban Šaulić - Kralj Boema Veruje u Ljubav

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local files, purchased and downloaded from Qobuz.

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Hi @Vladislav_Dobrev, I’ve made an edit which may help here. I’ll check again in a couple of days and get back to you.

The edit didn’t work (directly), but I’ve just make a 2nd edit which should work in conjunction with the first…

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