Audio or music related anecdotes, jokes, cartoons... anyone? [2020]

My take on this: The assumption underlying the joke is that rock/blues musicians such as SRV, Hendrix, Joplin, would consider music by the Carpenters to be lightweight at best, and would consider the Carpenters’ musicianship to be much inferior to their own. So, for such a rock/blues luminary to be in a band led by such a perceived lightweight musician would be hell-ish.

No offense meant to fans of the Carpenters :slight_smile:

Obviously, the people who don’t understand this joke have never heard “Close to You”.

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I actually considered taking the mention of ‘Close To you’ out of the version I posted, so that the particular song wouldn’t confuse the issue – I think it might have worked better with just:

Would you agree…?

No, the song reference is the icing. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hmm… OK, interesting :slight_smile:

I think the version of the joke that I heard long ago was without a particular song reference, and I found it hilarious at the time…

Without the song reference, “Hit it, boys”, doesn’t make sense.

BTW - Who hasn’t been at a wedding and had to suffer thru “We’ve Only Just Begun”?

We’ve pretty much parsed this to death.

Actually, I understand this to be what a bandleader might say to get the band to start playing… and the statement signifies being in charge…

But yes, I agree. Next topic: “Who originally wrote ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ and did SRV know that in his interpretation of Buddy Guys’ interpretation?” :laughing:

That is a huge assumption, as you will find Rock/Blues musicians listen and draw from a much wider base than you realise.
I remember being a a gig we hosted… Joe Wilkins (Elles Bailly’s Guitarist) was spellbound and speechless as he approached me on completion of Angel Snow’s set. He couldn’t believe it.
Since then they have done tours together and musically are not so far apart as you could imagine…

I agree – I think it may actually be an assumption that Rock/Blues fans make, rather than actual talented Rock/Blues musicians…

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Yeah, what about this? :laughing:

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After seeing Richard’s hairstyle I no longer feel as bad about my pandemic hair.

That song must have been played at every wedding in the 70s and into the 80s.

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Not all weddings, well, at least one that I’m aware of…:thinking:

Ok let’s get back on track :crazy_face:




Why was my post removed?

Mine was, so related posts may be. Boundaries are for leaning on, so take it as a badge of honour :joy:

Well I thought it was funny but seems it was ‘politically’ incorrect perhaps and thus offended someone. I didn’t flag it, but my approval of it wa s removed to …oh well plenty more laugh about to come I’m sure.

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I guess I miss all the good ones. :frowning_face: