In the middle of our street!
So what’s the discount?
I must be even older.
I had “… is a very,very,very fine house, with two cats in the yard…”
The prize: You get to think you have seen it before errrrr😂
I think the one on the right is Boris J, right? But then, it could actually be Sid Vicious!
Edit: Of course i mean left, sorry bout the brainfart!
I thought that Jacob RM had a bit of Buddy Holly/Elvis Costello about him in fact.
That’s a Siri level joke in the visual domain, didn’t know the day would come.
Took me a minute!
I’m not english-native. Purple hays? or even „Purple hayz”?
You got it… Hays … Bails of…
Reminds me of the talk on piping from Patriot (Patriot (TV Series 2015–2018) - IMDb) a bit of an odd show, but they do know how to get something from A to B.
That is incredibly cool. Thanks for sharing.
He posted it on Facebook…