You didn’t read my responses in that thread did you? Because if you had, you would learned that I listen to a ton of gear in my reviews. Every speaker, headphone and headphone amp gets a listening test. That is probably 50 to 70 products a year if not more. The BB2 would have gotten that listening test as well had it not been so poor performing and having a filtering bug that they have known about since stereophile review last year. So I aborted the review at that point.
In the same stereophile review, the subjective reviewer found noise issues with Wifi:
“Downstairs, with my desktop system, I noticed some low-level noise and hash, the kind that can sometimes leak through a computer soundcard, and also some hum. The hash was not audible from the balanced or headphone outputs—only the unbalanced. At normal listening levels, with no music playing, the hash was audible but low in level.”
That kind of interference is precisely what my measurements showed over and over again. The device has simply not enjoyed proper isolation of sensitive audio section from digital subsystem and the power supply. These things are easily measured but seemingly that was not done, or if done, not fixed.