To make it clear, I absolutely understand there is a necessity to have a compromise in a living room environment. May the budget limit or the room´s interior or the size of gear or the experience of the owner be the limit. Everything understood.
I have started the discussion from the point how ideally things should work not to tell people they should hire studio installation professionals, spend 100 grand and aim for the ideal. It is rather to understand which factors of loudspeaker choice, placement thereof, basic room treatment and DSP are a promising way to get the maximum sound quality in a given environment and which ones are most probably a way to dissatisfaction.
What makes me sad is people like Amir telling music listeners in a very self-convinced manner from a pseudo-scientific point of view to focus on completely inaudible criteria, non-relevant parameters and choose methods which for sure do not work (like equalizing when having major, non-EQable room-induced flaws) in order to achieve a good compromise. Moreover they seem to misinterpret important parameters like speaker´s directivity for the sake of having smooth, neat-looking diagrams but leading to a non-compatible combination of room, placement and speaker. It is a shortcut to dissatisfaction and I have experienced that numerous times.
To highlight that: I am absolutely not saying anything against Roon DSP from a quality point of view. The DSP functions are well-coded, the filters sound superb, they do what they are supposed to do and simulation graph is awesome. I understand why they produce a gap after altering parameters and that is not roon´s fault as it is not a professional manipulation software.
The only reason why they are not helpful for a proper optimization process is the gaps after altering parameters. It makes it difficult even for trained listeners to compare the effect of a particular filter and the reproduction without. Recording and master engineers as well as sound reinforcement experts like do ´dial in´ narrow parametric EQ filters which is only possible if you have a seamless adjustment method especially of frequency and level plus a gapless bypass option.
While for an experienced expert it is already difficult to dial in such filters with a gap and without bypass option, for a laymen it is impossible without A/B comparison. I do not believe many people playing around with parametric EQs in roon, Amir included, are really capable of fully understanding what they are doing and achieving an optimization in sound quality which would stand the test of long-term listening. The fact that many rely on measurements trying to fight some most probably inaudible peaks speaks louder than a listening test.
If anyone is really interested in proper EQing their own system I recommend to rent a professional parametric standalone EQ which you can get from a PA rental company or alike for little money per day. Once you have dialed in your filters you can transfer the parameters to roon and the result will be as desired.
The question is: What are performant speakers for home use? How to choose the right one for a given environment?
I can tell you from vast experience with different rooms that all these things being taught on ASR about which criteria are important and which speakers are good or bad are in many cases leading to disappointment.
The sad thing is that measurements published there seem to be mostly correct and could be a helpful base for an informed decision. Especially the spinorama graphs, calculated indirect sound response and DI. One of the major problems is not telling people about qualities which are NOT in the measurements but require a listening test. The other big elephant in the room is the way verdicts on directivity are evolved as it seems to be merely judging how neat the graph looks like and how straight the line is you can draw through it.
That has nothing to do with choosing the right speaker for a given environment, and will bring a lot of people to dissatisfying choice of gear. And, yes, I am aware there has to be a compromise and there are affordable products out there which deliver a fair compromise.