Auto substitute on playlist/play queue

It sometimes happens that after I create a playlist, I may have switched my music services from Tidal to Qobuz, or sometimes maybe the local music file was being moved and not available anymore. In those cases, it would be very difficult to recreate the playlist as it is apparently specific copy based.

It would be great if Roon can implement some kind of intelligence where a file no longer available in a playlist can be substituted with another copy of the same track from another active source e.g. from Qobuz for Tidal, or from Qobuz/Tidal for whatever in the local library that is no longer there, or from local file if so happens the Qobuz/Tidal services are down…

This also happens when record labels licenses change on Tidal. Every now and then I need to replace songs in my playlists manually…

Not to mention for whatever reason the same album can have multiple copies on Tidal itself…