Automatic start for Roon Nucleus when connected to power network (ref#H7FYA3)

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Gibt es die Möglichkeit, dass der Roon nucleus automatisch startet, wenn er ans Stromnetz angeschlossen wird? (Ich pflege meine Hi-Fi Anlage vom Netz zu trennen, wenn sie nicht benutzt wird. Das mühsame Einschalten des Roons bei der Wiederinbetriebnahme hinter dem Gerät ist äußerst muehsam.)
Besten Dank für ihre Hilfe
Rudolf Moser

Is it possible for the Roon nucleus to start automatically when it is connected to the mains? (I tend to disconnect my hi-fi system from the mains when it is not in use. The tedious switching on of the Roon behind the device when it is switched on again is extremely tedious).
Many thanks for your help
Rudolf Moser

If it is possible it would be a function of the bios, not the software. I believe you can set the bios to default to ‘on’ in the event of an interruption to power which should help you achieve what you want.

You could also configure Wake-on-LAN in the BIOS of the Nucleus and then turn it on by software. Lots of forum threads on this.

If you turn off the system, make sure that you first do a clean shutdown of the Nucleus. Simply cutting the power has the potential for database corruption.

This is where you need to go. There should be an option for previous state, too.

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