Available single not found

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Single by collaborating artists Lizzy McAlpine and FINNEAS called “hate to be lame.”

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

no. can’t see the album.

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


Screenshot of import settings


Description of the issue

there is no screenshot, because when you click on the “album” (it’s a single), there is a blank screen with “the album is not found.”

This single is available on TIDAL itself.

Having a lot of trouble with collaborations (which are increasingly common.) example, this artist, who i’ve had trouble with before has three singles recently with other artists, and the search engine doesn’t result these collaborations. TIDAL’s search engine (and every other music service) results all of her work, even if in a collaboration.

Please fix this.

So you know, if you didn’t already, the album is set to be released April 8th, It shows the track just released today, form what I can see, so it may take some time for it to propagate out into streaming services. In other words Roon will probably be able to stream it after the album goes out. tidal probably has permission to play release? I have seen this before with metadata getting out to the Roon servers before.

thanks for the reply. yes, i knew all that. TIDAL has the track and I can play it. Everybody else (well except for qobuz) has the track and it can be played. So Roon it would seem is getting in the way…

it’s working now. thanks for the help.

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