B1145 Latest release seems RAM intensive

I use a QNAP TS 251+ dedicated to Roon with 8GB RAM. I have never before seen utilisation > 54%. The latest releases is often greater than 60% , and today its at 71% I guess this is not an issue, but are curious to know the reason.

Probably trying to make up for how hugely underspecified the processor is, the minimum recommended i3 is 4x faster on single threads which is what roon uses.


Hi Ged. Massive difference relative to an i3. Thank you for the info. I can use this now to justify the purchase of a NUC to my wife. The little NAS has been performing so well the last 4 years. Core is on a USB attached solid state drive. Its probably time to upgrade. Kind regards


Actually unless roon has upped the specs a i3 ivy bridge (that’s Gen3) Intel was sufficient but depends on your track library count. Now they seem to have dropped any actual Gen numbers so its anybody’s guess

Wrong end of stick you have.
Has a Celeron so I recommended an i3.

granted a celeron is well under most likely, but can be ok if you are ok with sub par performance, but its less far off an i3-3220T than an 8th gen

RAM is your best friend on a large library…8GB I would use a minimum regardless of lib size especially for a NAS doing other things.

and closer even to a NUC 7i3 used in the original Nucleus which with 12GB ram I run a core on with 335K tracks and its OK

Things are back to normal after the latest release. I suspect the previous release had an issue.