B1212 - B1208 see all results of search not working [Ticket in]

On iPhone using search the “see all results” does not work.

Have tried with various search strings that should return many results. Only some of the first page displays.

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I can confirm the same behavior, iOS 16.3 iPhone 14 Pro. I searched for “the Beatles” (all local files), and the search results displayed 1 for Artist, 7 albums, and I could not move past the “See all results” selector to show the rest of my 45 albums.

B1212 same problem.

Confirmed for me also, same problem on B1212.

Thanks, @Robert_F, @ncpl, we were able to reproduce and created a ticket.



Looks fixed build B1216 :+1:

Same issue with Android? I am experiencing on a Pixel 6 Pro?

Hi @Kieran_Church,
Welcome to the community.
Could you confirm what build numbers you are running.

1211 for the phone (remote) and 1211 for the core. Cheers