B1235 Early Access Windows references in Roon's Topic are wrong (points to B1228)

The referenced files for Windows (both) are pointing to build 1228-installers…

Not for me. Did you download the Windows file from the Roon Labs download page? Maybe you’re saying the links Vova gave us are incorrect. I did not try using them.

There’s a specific link in @Vova’s message - don’t use the standard links in the table.

I found the link to Google Drive later on, i am on b1235 now, thanks!

It is kinda confusing as to why the links to the latest Early Access builds are NOT the one’s listed in the table at the bottom though.

I made the same mistake before I realised the links in the table weren’t the latest…

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Sorry, this was a one-off change for this build (and likely the next as well). Changing the other links would cause longer-term issues and confusion.

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