B139 Android Auto Feedback

Covers are now not displayed on any screen

Android 10
Samsung S9+

I can observe exactly the same behavior.
That’s effective both in offline & online mode. In online that pertains all types of albums (downloaded, local for Core, from streaming).

Low quality graphics have been really eliminated :slight_smile:

Besides there is one difference over previous build:
Artists filtering (Az) now let me select almost all letters. X & Y are the exceptions (and I have one artist in the library starting with Y).

It’s still impossible to identify downloaded albums and GUI language changes:

  • upon connection to Core
  • depending whether you start ARC from AA or a phone

ARC B139
Samsung Galaxy S10
Android 12 (One UI 4.1)
962 artists, 3762 albums

My experience on Android Auto:

  • no more album covers shown - at no place …
  • more artists seen via “first letter” filter tan before - but still not all (“123”, U, X, Y, Z “blank” … ?)
  • navigation through ARC has become quite SLOW - worse than before !

See screensots - thanks

ARC B139
Samsung Galaxy S10
Android 12 (One UI 4.1)
962 artists, 3762 albums

some additional Android Auto impressions

  • yesterday I suddenly had album covers - even artist covers. No idea why I did not see one album cover on any ARC screen in Android Auto yesterday … (had also been in online mode then)
  • still only few of my albums available (example: I have all Dylan albums - under Android Auto ARC is showing only 6 Dylan albums - no idea why these 6 …)
  • I did find at least 1 track that I could not directly jump to. First Track of disc 2 of a 2 disc set. ARC just did not start play this track. Could jump to the one before, the one after - but not this one - tried again and again … (no problem when trying this in ARC not in Android Auto but on my phone)
  • still sometimes time and “timing wheel” do not “start” with a new track but stay at 0:00. After pause and replay time is shown the correct way

additional Comments

  • I would appreciate seeing “recently added” albums - not only “recently played”
  • When chosing an album it immediately starts playing. While I basically support the idea of listening to full albums, I would appreciate the option to see and chose tracks first. With a 5 CD box set you do not always want to start with disc 1 track 1 …
  • When going to “artists” the way they are sorted is not clear (to me).

I have also noticed the track time and clock not always working.

Minor issue of course.

Aside from that, the Arc interface is much better than Qobuz.

Regarding filtering, as I took a closer look at that today:
Almost all first letters are available to select but the quality of results is very poor. Only a very small subset of Artists that actually start with selected letter is being displayed.

So again I think that not the whole list is being loaded and I just had luck that more first letters were included.

I also have most of your roon arc symptoms: only a few interprets or albums are shown when selecting a letter on alphabetical search.

Samsung Galaxy S8+ on LOS 19.1 with GApps

With build 139 the volume on roon arc is lower at the same volume level in my skoda ocativa sedan compared to qobuz app which I used before roon arc on aa.
Shall I make a video for you roon developers which shows the difference (as good as possible)?


Android Auto enforces a limit to how many items can be shown in any list. In this case, it’s about 200 items. What you are seeing is your browsers sorted by Most Played, as we found this worked well for the most common use case—“I want to listen to something immediately that I will probably like”—and it made the on-screen alphabetical indexing control most useful.

Having said this, I understand that it can be disappointing for some users who have larger libraries to only see a portion of their browsers on AA. It’s important to keep in mind that these systems were designed to prioritize convenience, speed, and most importantly safety, which means that short, useful options are the goal.

I understand that it’s not the ideal solution for everyone, and hope this limitation can be appreciated in the context of the overall design goals for Android Auto.

Hello michael and thank you for your explanation.
This circumstance wouldn’t be so disappointing if we had a search option inside AA which searches in the enire library (and connected streaming services).
Is it possible to implement such a solution?
