B1395 folder browser: truncated disc / track numbers on mobile

Thanks for introducing folder browsing.

When traversing folder trees into the end nodes, on mobile devices (at l ast on the Fairphone 4+ I use, but likely more widely) space appears to be allocated to allow for no more than ca. 3 characters for disc number, track number and the separating dash / hyphen combined.

This will be insufficient for many multi disc collections / box sets. See example below.

My strong preference would be that presentation of disc+track number is maintained but complete (more space to be allocated when needed), rather than removed. I would be perfectly happy too if it was made optional. Truncating ‘long’ track names is not ideal but near unavoidable especially on small screens; but for track numbers I argue it is a complete no-no.

A similar issue occured in the past in album view, and in my recollection after some failed attempts to avoid truncation, or (equally bad) overlap with other interface items, on mobile remotes the disc and track numbers were abandoned altogether. I argued at the time that these identifiers were meaningful and useful in many ways, and giving up wasn’t the right direction. This is still my view.

Perhaps the new dynamics of improvement, vigorous bug squashing and rethinking some old ‘wisdoms’ will allow this to implemented for mobile remotes in both the folder browser ánd album browser? After all, almost every other music browser /player for mobile succeeds in presenting disc and track numbers, either as a fixed default or option.

And pretty much sorted in build 1402 already. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:.

(Now just an option for disc and track numbers in album view on mobile and I’ll be purring)

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