B1395 Folders and Tags

You can add a Folder to a TAG. However, the results of this action are not what I expected, nor, what I would find useful. Currently, if I add a folder containing two albums to a new Tag, the individual tracks are displayed. I would expect just the albums to be displayed as though I had tagged them at the album level. This makes adding a folder to a tag very messy and hard to functionally use, imho.


Yeah we don’t really let you tag a folder. When you select a folder in the folder browser, we go through the hierarchy and select all the tracks within that folder and within any subfolders. So you’re correct that it’s just tagging those tracks. We’re not matching up your folders with specific albums, which is what would be required to do what you’re suggesting here.

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Thanks for the info Brian, makes sense. I need to think through a reason to tag a Folder then.

An example @Rugby would be to tag an album in the artists folder.

Example 1
Tag - favourite albums

You’d want to view the list of albums and not individual tracks as it does

Example 2
Tag - favourite artists

You’d want your artists to show and not individual tracks as it does

Adding from the albums tab or artists tab and adding to the above example tags places the album and artist respectively.

This makes tagging in folders a non required feature and should be removed IMHO.

The reason for tagging in folders is because you want to use folders for navigation, browsing and playback :man_shrugging: