B1458 on phone: Spurious(-looking) sort menu during SPL creation

iPhone. This menu makes no sense and doesn’t do anything:

OK, turns out that it does do something: It controls the playlist sort criteria, which cannot be changed later.

However, IMHO this isn’t obvious because there is no immediately visible effect when you choose from the menu. The menu always just says „Sort“. It would be clearer if the sort menu‘s text displayed the currently chosen option. This would give visible feedback that something is happening.

ARC does this already in the regular lists and it doesn’t have more available space than Roon on iPhone:

The regular lists in Roon also always show only „Sort“ and I’m quite sure this can’t be the by-design behavior:

After all, the iPad does show the current sort order:

So maybe it is time to revisit out my older bug report and fix it for SPL and regular lists in one go:

TBH, I’d expect a feature called Smart Playlists to randomise the list of tracks from the chosen criteria.

I’m seeing the option of tracks just group everything in album order.

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Oh it can, I missed this. Might it make sense to offer the sort menu also in the main playlist view, without going to the Edit Focus button? I, for one, don’t think of sort as a focus option and sort is separate from focus everywhere else. This would also make it more similar to sorting in regular playlists.