After all the hubbub on the forum about a bug with removing an album from LL after adding it to the library, and why EA testers didn’t find it, I decided to test this. Sadly, I could repro an issue nearly immediately. I am quite sure but not 100% it went like this:
- Went to this album from Home > New releases for you and clicked the round Add to Listen later button
- Went to Home > LL > More
- In the album entry’s three dot menu, clicked Add to Library
- In the album entry’s three dot menu, clicked Remove from Listen Later
- Click Back to go to Home
- Still saw the album in LL:
- Click LL > More
- Click the three dot menu. The album shows Add to Listen Later although it is already listed. For comparison with the next step, also note that Add to Library is greyed out as it should be because it is already in the library:
- Click Home > LL > More, then click the album (and not open the three dot menu as in the previous step). The album shows as not in library. I suppose that this is because the object that is in LL is the original Qobuz version and not the in-library version, but this is damn confusing. (If, instead, I go to Home > Recently Added and click the album it shows as in-library). The album also shows the option to add to LL, again although it is already there.
- Restart the Roon client. Doesn’t help
- Reboot ROCK, now it is gone.
Side note: The album cover placeholder is always ugly, but particularly in this context: