B171 ARC came through Play Store instead of 173 but I thought it shouldn't [Resolved by 173 coming through]

The release announcement said

For those wondering about Roon ARC build 171 for Android, we were delayed in releasing it from the Play Store. Rather than release it back to back with 173 we decided to skip over 171 for Android altogether.

Yet I just got 171 in Germany and no 173

Same here in the republic of Texas. B170 replaced by 171.

Or was the version number in the ARC settings just not updated? There it says ARC 1.0.35 build 171, but in the Play Store it shows as 1.0.36

Unfortunately the release announcement does not mention a minor version number, so I don’t know what to expect

It seems it was just waiting for me to write the above, now another update came through and now it shows as 1.0.36 and build 173 in the ARC Settings and still 1.0.36 in the Play Store version info

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