Focusable variable that identifies performances that are unlinked to metadata and unmatched with any other composition/performance

I’m not sure if it helps but maybe some of what you want to achieve would work by

  • using the composition browser and tag all entries with some tag like “identified composition” and then
  • apply the invertedidentified composition” tag as an album browser focus.

My rationale: if a track is a performance of a known composition it will be catched by the “identified composition” tag in another browsers’ focus, too. So if the tag gets inverted, it’s working like an unlinked performance / unknown composition filter. Does this make sense / would it help your use case?

It’s static though - you’d have to update the tag manually every time you want to make use of it …

It would be even better if this could get used in the track browser but there it will fail because a tag assigned to compositions cannot be used as a focus in the track browser (I’ve hinted at something like this last December).

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