Ban on the run

Was so excited to see this but not what I was hoping for… if, once banned, the artist, album, or song did NOT show any more in the UI it would be perfect - and would serve as a nuclear option for artist disambiguation issues as it would prevent the kind of pollution where any artist that shares a name with a different artist shows up in the wrong place… for instance, search for the artist Cream - the only one I am interested in is the band Clapton was in. But other artists with that name show up in the “real” Cream’s discography.

If “ban” prevented the “wrong” Cream(s) from ever showing up it would be perfect… the way it should work is like that. You could add a toggle to show banned items if people still wanted to revert to see banned items.

If I ban it, I never want to see it again…

So close… :frowning:


Not for me they don’t I only see the Uk Cream with Clapton.

Not sure this would help those issues anyway as they would be classed as same act when this happens hence why they show up under same discography and would likely ban both.

Surprised I have to “Ban” it in Remote as well as ARC. Attention to detail Roon, attention to detail. Perhaps you will try again…

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Hey @Neil_Small, you don’t have to ban content separately in ARC. I just banned an artist in Roon, and it was immediately reflected in ARC. You can find more details on Banning in our FAQ, but you shouldn’t ever have to repeat banning actions.

If this continues, please submit a support ticket, and the team will happily investigate it.

In this case banning the albums by the wrong cream serves the purpose… if it in fact worked the way I wished it did… again, all it would require is a toggle to show or not show banned items…

I don’t want to eradicate an artist, I just don’t want to hear them in radio etc. But if they have a credit somewhere, then I want to know and I don’t want to create a fake alternate history where they never existed.

Artist disambiguation is a different problem and needs a different solution.


Didn’t work for me. I had to ban the track in Remote and the same track again when I opened ARC. This “ban” should be shared or pushed to both databases.

I disagree… like you, just a regular user. Sometimes Roon can do better. My suggestion would solve a big issue for a lot of people. Authorative statements about a simple difference of opinion are not helpful. Maybe other perspectives should be considered?

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Are you sure you use the same user in Roon and in Arc?

It would ruin banning for me.

I am so excited about this new feature.

Finally I can use the button again to play Roon Radio after a playlist ends. I only enjoy instrumental Jazz and turned off the feature because of the constant pushing of Norah Jones (to say the least, I am not a fan). Banned her now and let’s try Roon Radio again.

I would have been happy if thumbs down for currently playing songs or artists was implemented, but banning would work too I guess.

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I agree.
Even though I only have a local library I still find this option useful when using the radio or shuffle.
I have various tracks that I want to listen to only when I decide (demos, bonuses, alternate versions…), as well as artists or entire albums that, for one reason or another, I don’t want Roon or ARC to play on its own but at the same time I want to keep them in my library.

A recent example is an album by the artist Befour that during the last few listens I found irritating, so I would prefer it not to be taken into consideration by Roon for a while if I had to activate the radio.

Just as I got tired of listening to any song by Guns 'n Roses, so I banned them to avoid “accidental” listening.

I certainly don’t want to delete either from the library, either for a question of personal musical identity, or because one day I would like to intentionally listen to them.

As someone else said in the other similar thread, I too would prefer Roon to focus more on solving long-standing issues, but I don’t find this feature useless.

I guess we disagree, that’s OK… btw we are already living in a “fake alternate history “ inside Roon in many ways due to the terrible data quality from upstream providers and the lack of a method for users to fix it.

Metadata quality is unfortunately the Achilles heel of Roon, at least for now.

I agree with everything, just wanted to add that this seems to be a long-standing issue for some, judging by the complaints over the years. The same for the playlist improver. Neither is among my main gripes, but not every improvement has to be :slight_smile:

And again a new feature that does not work with profiles and therefore just another useless feature. Roon still doesn’t understand how families (want to) use Roon.

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Works with Profiles for me here just as described, that is each Profile has it’s own set of Ban’s just as for “Love” and Tags which also is specific for each Profile.

… Roon to keep up the Good Work and after a while we will get dedicated Tidal/Qobuz accounts for each Profile as well … :family_man_woman_girl_girl:

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I think I know what a lot of people would be looking for. A “Ban their later work” or “Ban anything after the first four albums” or a “Ban everything after they started giving questionable interviews.”

Chronological bans please! :wink:

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I LOVE Roon though and the continued support and updates!

Interesting how that would cover greatest hits, re-releases, remasters of albums originally in the banned time period.
And how it would affect server performance overall.

You could search for Artist and look at the list of albums, then sort by release date, then select all the albums after a certain release date (or that you want to ban of course) and ban them all at once.

It would make it easier if there was a “Focus” category for release date.
But it is “doable” the way it is.

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