Bandwidth optimized

Approximately how much cellular data used to play a CD (16/44) in bandwidth optimised mode? Thanks.

Thanks for your reply.
I understood that when streaming from say Tidal through Arc in “Optimised Mode” this reduces the amount of data for listeners who have cellular data caps. I would like to know how much data this setting saves over streaming a standard CD. Thanks again. Cheers

Yes and this info is all in the post that I linked, and the links from there to the documentation

If you look at a flac file that runs at about 5mins your looking at a file size of 30MB a 256 bit AAC file is around 10 10MB for similar length but this can vary dependant on the musical content. Its impossible to say exactkly how much it will save as compression isnt fixed or work the same across all content. But it wll signifcantly reduce it by a 2/3 at a minimum I would say.