BBC Radio no longer seems to work. I have tried Radio 2, 3, 4, 4 extra and 6. All that happens is that there is a pause and then a notification saying “Playback interrupted as track failed to load”.
Where are you located? 2, 3, 4 and 6 are working for me here in the Netherlands. What streams are you using?
Might be worth checking the codecs. Can you play
(aac only)
(mp3 only)?
What are you running the core on?
Sorry for my tardy reply, I have been away. I am in the UK. Apparently the BBC have recently stopped using ‘Shoutcast’, could it have anything to do with that.
How would I go about checking the codecs please. I control Roon via an iPad and that only shows aac as an option. Roon is running on an SSD plugged into a Synology DS218+ with 10 gb of ram.
Can you play those stations I posted?
I’m guessing you can with WRFG and can’t with CJSW.
If that’s the case then your codecs are the problem - especially as you say you are running on a Synology.
To get the right codecs, have a look at
Another link
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