As the title says. DSD converting and upsampling only. I don’t want to pay for all these PCM features and R2R ladders, that I will never use.
What’s out here!?!
So you’re looking for DACs that support only DSD and not PCM? Just making sure, since I find that very restrictive. All DAC chips I know of support PCM, so unless it’s a “discrete” DAC, PCM shouldn’t add anything to the price.
I mean it can support PCM but I don’t see the point in buying a Holo May when I’m not going to use the R2R ladder. I’d imagine all those matched resistors are adding a $1000 or so to its price tag.
I agree, it’s expensive to make a good R2R DAC - and the May is really good. But R2R DACs are basically discrete DACs, and since you can get the same kind of performance with delta-sigma DAC chips, it’s a waste even for PCM. I also agree that a DAC that supports DSD should not convert internally to PCM. The only reason to do that would be to support digital volume, but you’d be better off with analog volume in that case.
I’ll let other people who are into DSD chime in as to what DACs they use.
Maybe this one: Signalyst
If you can find one built ready. I’ve heard that there should be some commercial options available.
I use Holo Spring 3 almost exclusively in DSD mode. I upsample to DSD256x48 with HQP. It works great in PCM also but I prefer the DSD sound quality.
R2R is definitely not a waste. My experience is limited to Holo Spring 3 but I compared it with a few delta-sigma designs like Linn Akurate DSM/3, Auralic Vega G2.1 and RME ADI-2 FS. I also had Mola Mola Tambaqui in home demo, which has its own unique design. They all measure pretty much perfectly (they’re all measured by ASR) and still they all sound clearly different to each other with their own sound signatures. Holo is the least expensive option out of these and sounded the best to me. RME is cheaper but I used it only in my headphone rig and threw it in the main rig for comparisons sake. It wasn’t for me to use in the speaker rig.
Now after saying this, the ASR-cultists will soon arrive here to tell you how all the DACs will sound the same after they reach certain SINAD-threshold. You can make your own decision about the subject but I recommend to borrow some options and audition them yourself in your own system.
I am far from a newb on DACs and have heard and owned many R2R and Delta sigma DACs.
Currently have the Gustard R26 (sold a Pontus 2 and didn’t buy a Venus 2) but I’m not a fan of its 1bit DSD dac architecture.
Holo Spring is nice but there again you aren’t using the R2R ladder, so it seems like a waste.
Maybe the Gustard A26 would be a better choice for DSD but what other options?
The TEAC ud701n was high on my list but its network interface is incompatible with HQplayer.
Maybe nothing really exists yet.
Dsd direct, network interface only dac lol.
You can take a look to the coming Holo Audio Cyan2 with only the DSD module.
By the way: I’m using the May primarily with DSD sources (but sometimes without Roon and PCM). For me the May is worth every cent, also when using it only with DSD.
It seems that the link I posted was broken, now it works. Jussi Laako of HQPlayer has his own DSD-only DAC design. Here’s the link again: Signalyst
Im not saying the May, Spring and other DACs are not worth their price. They are truly fantastic DACs. What I’m saying is that I don’t want to pay for features I’m not ever going to use. I’ll look into this Cyan for sure. Where can I read up on it more?!
Not so much to read, but the version 2 is announced here.
There’s 2 threads already on this exact topic , with lots of good info:
Yup those are good articles. Didn’t know about them. Much like you I’m no longer interested in usb/I2S audio, so looking just for network solutions.
That is one DSD-only option, although you pay more for their DSP implementation that would be left unused (and performs rather poorly). You can use it through USB and leave the network side unused as well. That is what I do with my UD-701N.
But rather better option is maybe Marantz SA-12SE which gives you SACD spinner plus USB interfaced DSD-only DAC. And performs better than the TEAC. Same story with it’s DSP features though.
Both are still more expensive and don’t perform quite as well as Holo Spring 3.
For maybe among the best DSD performance, you may want to look at T+A DAC 200. But you’ll pay some extra for secondary unused “PCM” side.
So in all cases you end up paying some extra for unused features.
Something like Holo Cyan 2 DSD could be great though. If such will ever happen.
@jussi_laako thank you! Maybe it’s just me and @dabassgoesboomboom that only want Dsd network only DACs lol.
There is a new AUDALYTIC AH90 AK4191+AK4499 that has NAA and the A26. R26 I have and the 1bit DSD dac is no bueno imho.
@jussi_laako im just really surprised that a company hasn’t approached you with a licensing deal.
Seems like a no brainer from a business side to implement and pay you for your ideas/design then handle the development of the Dac. I mean Ferrum did some of your filters, but come on. Why half ass it Ferrum?
Before that it was Estelon doing the Lynx active speaker with DSD power DACs and HQPlayer built-in.
But yeah, no one box DAC solutions so far.