@spockfish , Harry, I arrived home tonight from a walk to find all display extensions crashed (not present in Roon —> Settings —> Extensions. Two of the zones were grouped. All displays either blank or clock, as per setting.
@Jan_Koudijs, just FYI, this resulted in your Extension Manager becoming unpaired, and the Alarm Clock extension crashed.
Feedback from LivingRoomDisplay:
Will ungroup and try restarting the extensions. Works!
f6f119371150b634 (Primary display)
cc75df749483c861 (Added to group)
Oddly, now in Roon —> Settings —> Extensions one of the endpoint RoPieee shows up to be enabled, even though this isn’t a display. What is going on here? CavePi.
Edit: just remembered to delete the Core files on one of our laptops (following Uninstalling Roon Core from OSX [Answered]), just in case this was causing any of the extensions to be confused about the correct core (even though, only our ROCK core ever shows up).
Edit2: Rebooted CavePi, and the extension disappeared from Roon —> Settings —> Extensions. But, now extensions have appeared from two other RoPieee endpoints. I won’t reboot those in case you want me to run anything on those.