Better sound through better Mac?

It’s not actually. It’s just that someone doesn’t like the explanations.

Not it is not possible. It could be very much placebo effect

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I’m not missing the point here, I already said something about my experience. Sow that’s not the point anymore. The point is that you/others only say it cannot make difference without technical explanation, and that’s fine because not all are computer and audio experts.

The point to me was that there was a possibility that a what I was hearing something different because I was listening to a completely different computer + OS + Roon software. Then there is always a possibility that I hear something different in my mind. How would you test that theory? I can’t put up a blind AB test.

But for now (to close this topic) it’s psycho acoustic :relaxed:

Maybe this comment is telling, if you were having dropouts and now you don’t absolutely that’s “ better “ As far as sound “quality “ are you really saying it’s better or different? So many factors to consider, your system and hearing are unique of course. As long as you’re chuffed up with it good deal :+1:t2:

No, no,… I wasn’t saying/claiming anything;) I only was curious if it could be a possibility if I’m hearing a better quality now?

I was listing after installing my new Mac and did not expect a better sound because why would it?
And after 2-3 songs it started to notice that it sounded really good! ‘Did it sounded like this before? … I thought by myself :thinking:. Or is it just psycho acoustic? (I always want to verify that)
I couldn’t do an AB test,… so I though, let’s ask here;)

But I’m very happy with my new Mac! I use it for 90% of the times for Roon. And the other 10% as an AppleTv.


I think @Norman_Spector is posing a light, and not badly devised listening test.

Listen to this:

and count the incidents of audience laughing. I might misunderstand.

Makes sense. Like I said, math is math . . .

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Aaah… okay! Thanks. I’ll give it a try :+1:t2:

It’s a nice detailed recording I presume?

I know;) Thanks.

I have no idea, I’m not a Jazz fan. My challenge would be staying awake through an hour of KJ in Koln :wink:

Now I don’t understand. Why did you suggest it?

I didn’t suggest it, someone else did. I was simply trying to provide some context for this:

Ah yes😣. I’m sorry. Thought it was you. I can’t find the original post from Norman of this album anymore.

But still I’m going to try the album, even I’m not a very big jazz fan.

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No. The DAC is the most significant part of your system before you get to the amp.

Where is this a reaction to?

I use an Intona 7055b, its the real deal.
Its an industrial grade USB isolator, regeneration/reclocker/repacketizer device.
IMHO it provides a nice audible improvement in my setup.

The 7055b’s primary task is galvanic isolation, especially useful for DAC’s which don’t have built in isolation. So if your DAC already has galvanic isolation onboard its probably better saving your money.

A few benefits of the latest Intona 7055b design, is the quality of the linear regulation (This could be important for USB powered DACs) and metal case to protect the circuit from RF. The older unit uses a plastic housing. Its worth also considering devices like this can in fact theoretically increase jitter.

Before you buy, its worth checking the Intona forum as some USB DAC’s that don’t meet USB spec and can have connection issues with the device. Some DAC’s require a passive USB switch to sit between the DAC and Intona. My Motu Mk5 Ultra Lite had no issues, as the device meets USB class compliant spec, but I have seen some users complaining (Not an Intona issue).

If you are interested I would be happy to provide my opinion on SQ via PM.


Is this an ad or misplaced? Not sure how it relates to this discussion.

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An Ad? really. Please.
Just helping Traian out.

Thanks, I did not know of the intonations forum, I’ll have a look. In some cases it is hard to find out if the dac has galvanic isolations (or other specs) but I do not yet know what Dac to choose, I’ll have time till the end of the Year when $$ will be available.

I was speaking of intona as it might be an option after a future upgrade.

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Wow I’m late to this extensive thread… but back to your original question I would not at all be surprised if there is a real difference.
Electron Noise is a big problem and lots of possible improvements
-quieter Mac power
-hard drive can make a huge difference: eg my very quiet melco server blows away computer hard disc, nucleus SSD
-quicker chips might make a difference due to power usage or speed
-better USB connection as mentioned
But trust your ears to find what you prefer (and that’s hard without doing quick A/B comparisons

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