I ran into big problems accomplishing port forwarding for ARC. ATT’s Nokia Gateway is VERY unfriendly to attempts at port-forwarding.
Has anyone successfully gotten ARC to work using AT&T Fiber as the isp along with the Nokia BGW320 ATT provides?
I ran into big problems accomplishing port forwarding for ARC. ATT’s Nokia Gateway is VERY unfriendly to attempts at port-forwarding.
Has anyone successfully gotten ARC to work using AT&T Fiber as the isp along with the Nokia BGW320 ATT provides?
Read this thread, there are other threads too if you search.
Moved your post to the support area.
Thanks @ged_hickman1. This should prove very helpful.
In case you’re curious, I had successfully managed to get ARC to pass the setup test and had used it successfully on the road a few times but eventuall ran into trouble with my core (ROCK) when it would not download updates. (I had to use a work-around by reinstalling the RoonOS from the web UI for a few updates). A few folks here (including some from the Roon Team) indicated that my network settings were at issue and that I might need to talk to my ISP about getting the proper router settings. This turned out REALLY badly. A tech support guy from ATT attempted to configure the router settings remotely and ultimately left me with ROCK no longer showing an IP at all on the network (and showing “offline” on fing). Since I no longer have access to the Web Admin UI, I can’t think of any other course of action now than to wipe the nuc and start over again with a fresh install.
My query here is in anticipation of how I might properly gain access to ARC once I have gotten my core back up and running on the NUC. (I may just limp along without ARC if it turns out I have to choose between reliable update downloads and ARC…)
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