Bluesound Pulse Flex 3.0 incompatible

My pair of pulse flex speakers recently upgraded to 3.0
and roon doesn’t see the anymore…

any info regarding compatibility ?

Should be fine - I have a Flex working w/o issue. Maybe worth rebooting everything (Network devices, Core and both Flexes) to see if they reappear?

Certainly my single flex is ok.

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Are you sure you’re running the new v3.0 firmware ? it was introduce a few days ago.
if not, don’t update I can’t get roon to see them anymore…
although they are properly networked and working with bluOS (windows and iOS)

Yes, BluOS 3.0 no problems with ROON seeing my Flex. What happens if you select ROON from the Flex menu, rather than trying to find the Flex in ROON?

As expected, nothing happens, transport controls shows up but it isn’t playing anything.
both flex devices do show up @ and @ in a browser though

Solved !
Turns out I had also recently done a Asus router firmware update.
Hidden in the myriad of settings I found this: [Enable IGMP Snooping], I enabled it and it now works again.